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Account Comparison

Note: Scroll the table left or right on mobile devices

Download of a procedure from the cloud✅✅✅✅
Upload of a procedure to the cloud✅✅ 1)❌❌
Upload of a measurement to the cloud✅ âœ… âœ… âŒ
Upload of a procedure (as record) to the cloud✅✅✅❌
Sharing of a procedure (over the cloud)✅ 2)❌❌❌
Sharing of a procedure (as record)✅ 3)✅ 3)❌❌
Sharing of a measurement (as record)✅ 3)✅ 3)❌❌
Join a group✅✅✅✅
Create a group✅❌❌❌
Add other users to a group✅❌❌❌
Stream data to the eSense dashboard✅✅❌❌
1) Sharing with other users or groups not possible
2) Sharing with other users or groups possible
3) Sharing with other users possible

Example cases for the different accounts


The professional or commercial biofeedback trainer has a SUPERVISOR account so that he can create individual procedures for his clients and share them with them via the cloud. They can also create different groups and add their clients to them individually. This allows them to monitor and analyze their clients’ measurements over a longer period of time.

You can buy the Supervisor Plan here:


The client who wants to work with a (professional) trainer and have access to all functions has a PREMIUM PLAN. This allows the client to share their recordings (both free measurements and procedures) with the trainer and other users. They can also upload their own procedures to the cloud and have them analyzed or adapted by the SUPERVISOR (trainer).


The client who wants to work with a (professional) trainer needs at least this account so that he can share his recordings with the trainer (SUPERVISOR).


Anyone who simply wants to get a taste of the app does not need to join a plan to test its functionality.

Example cases for the synchronization of measurements between accounts with different plans

Without account, without plan (and offline)

All measurements are saved locally on the device. There is no synchronization with the cloud as there is no associated account.

Users can only access their measurements on the device on which they were carried out. You can find the measurements in the archive under the Recordings tab.

With account, without plan

The measurements are linked to the user’s account but are not synchronized with the cloud. All measurements that are linked to the user’s account are displayed in the archive.

The measurements can only be accessed if the user is logged into the account on the device on which the measurements were taken. You can find the measurements in the archive under the Recordings tab.

With account, with basic or premium plan

All measurements are linked to the user’s account and are synchronized with the cloud.

All synchronized measurements that are linked to the user’s account are displayed in the archive. To synchronize old measurements that were created on the device before a plan was purchased with the cloud, you can select the “Synchronize with the cloud” button in the “Local session, performed without account” tab in the archive. These measurements are then assigned to the other measurements and disappear from this tab.

Activate streaming to in the eSense mobile app

If you are a supervisor, you can activate real-time data transmission to eSense Web App ( in the eSense app settings.


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