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Smart Bulbs (optional)

Smarte Glühbirne in Verwendung mit dem eSense Skin Response

The eSense app can support biofeedback via smart bulbs. Smart bulbs can change their colors and brightness and can be controlled via Bluetooth®. In combination with the eSense app, smart bulbs indicate your level of stress or relaxation through their lights.

Currently, the eSense app supports the Magic Blue and Phillips Hue smart bulbs. Both are smart bulbs which can be controlled via Bluetooth®. The color as well as the brightness can be adjusted. From within the eSense App, you can connect to the Magic Blue or the Phillips Hue and use it in your biofeedback session. Here you connect to the Hue Bridge from the eSense app and select the desired lamps.

Magic Blue

Unfortunately, the Magic Blue is no longer in production. We have extended the eSense app to enable the use of Philipps Hue smart bulbs, which can be controlled via Bluetooth.

But you still can find more information about the Magic Blue in our article

Philips Hue

You should be able to find the Phillips Hue in every well-sorted electronic store. You can also order it online. A list of the on- and offline-merchants can be also found on the page of the Phillips Hue:

We suggest you use one of the starter kits from Phillips, with the eSense. This also contains a colored bulb (‘Color Ambience’):

The use of Philips Hue is available as an in-app purchase in the eSense app.

You can also find more information about the Philips Hue in our article.


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