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Preparation and start of the app

Create the conditions needed for a successful training:

  • find a quiet room (mobile phone etc. switched off)
  • appropriate temperature of 20-22° C (68-72° F)
  • convenient seating
  • comfortable clothing

Strong physical activity before measurement should be avoided. To obtain comparable measurements, you should always train under the same conditions.

It is best to sit in a comfortable armchair for the first application. With some experience, the application is also recommended when lying on the bed or a comfortable surface. It is important that you maintain your position as far as possible, otherwise you will have to readjust the belt.

The number of sessions required for reliable success is relatively small. Usually, 10 to 15 sessions is enough. As far as the duration of a session is concerned, it depends on your ability to concentrate, but should not exceed 30 minutes. If you are experiencing severe fatigue, the training should be shorter, and a higher number of sessions should be chosen.

The next step is to start the app. At the beginning you can choose between a free training and a procedure. We recommend that you start with a procedure. We present you both below.

Choose between procedure or open training after starting the app


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